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Take The Chance

In our lives we often let our fears, insecurities, anxiety, etc. take over and it can hold us back... And sometimes we have regrets; Wondering, "What if?" You can't ever take it back, true, but as long as you're here on this Earth, you can turn it all around and start doing what you truly want to do in life. After all, you only have this one life. It can't be exactly like any other. So why not live it to the best of your ability and work continuously on your happiness? The worst that can happen when you take a chance, (whether it be doing something new for a change, asking someone out, or making the first move in trying to talk to a new person you'd like to get to know better in general...) whatever it is, all that can happen is they say no/reject you/etc. And that's ok. It happens, and it won't be the only time in our lives. Our problem is that we get used to living in the moment. We let the disappointment/other negative feelings consume us and let it seep in, then it gets us used to just giving up and not wanting to try again, whether out of fear or another emotion... And nothing is wrong with you for that. You just have to take time and finally take ahold of YOUR life and never let it go again, which can take years but is definitely worth it (YOU are worth it!), to practice improving and focusing on bettering your mindset + behavior. Learning that with the bad comes the good (+ vice-versa), and continuing to pursue what you believe in and trying to accomplish your goals throughout the bad times, as well as growing and understanding more about yourself... It's worth it all. You find yourself in a place you didn't think possible, in situations you are forever grateful for, and many more opportunities lined up for you to look forward to.

That's another thing, no matter what, there's always an opportunity... All our lives and what we choose to do each day, even just getting up in bed and choosing to do something even when you hardly have much hope or energy left, makes an impact and difference. It also shows just how strong you really are. We have to start giving ourselves more credit and stop being afraid... Being more patient with ourselves and caring, loving... We deserve it, no matter how much that negative voice says otherwise. That's one of the challenges that we have to overcome in our lives, but there's ALWAYS an answer for everything, and especially every problem. Even if you just have to look forward to a show coming on on TV to help make you remember to keep on going throughout your struggle, that's ok. You're always valid, and no matter what healthy coping mechanism you have to use to get by, never stop. It's. YOUR. life. Your happiness is in your control, and you're AMAZING. This world can break you, but it's never too late. Never give up on yourself. Even if something doesn't work out, never stop searching until you find what you were looking for. You. Deserve. It. I'm proud of you for even trying, especially when it seems like a dead-end. Just remember that there's a path you can't see at the moment, and it'll all become clearer. Hang in there the best you can and do whatever you can to remind yourself of what is true.

Just because you and/or your world may feel broken, it doesn't mean it all can't ever be fruitful.

Here's a lovely scene from a great movie called "The Illusion of Control" that will forever ring true:

If you cannot listen to it at the moment, that's ok, but hopefully you can some time, and when you or someone else needs it, it'll still be there.

Here is the text from the video for anyone who needs it that way as well:

(Scene is from the movie Kung Fu Panda)

Shifu: "Master! Master! I have... It's... It's very bad news."

Master Oogway: "Shifu. There is just news. There is no good or bad."

Shifu: "Master, your vision. Your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way."

Master Oogway: "...That IS bad news... ...if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him."

Shifu: "The panda? Master, that panda is not the Dragon Warrior. He wasn't meant to be here! It was an accident."

Master Oogway: "There are no accidents."

Shifu: "Yes, I know. You've said that already. - Twice."

Master Oogway: "- Well, that was no accident, either."

Shifu: "Thrice."

Master Oogway: "My old friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control."

Shifu: "Illusion?"

Master Oogway: "Yes. Look at this tree, Shifu. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time."

Shifu: "But there are things we can control. I can control when the fruit will fall. And I can control... ...where to plant the seed. THAT. Is no. Illusion, Master."

Master Oogway: "Yes. But no matter what you do that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach."

Shifu: "But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!"

Master Oogway: "Maybe it CAN... If you are willing to guide it. To nurture it. To believe in it."

Shifu: "But how? How? I need your help, Master."

Master Oogway: "No, you just need to believe. Promise me, Shifu. Promise me you will believe."

Shifu: "I... I will... try."

Master Oogway: "Mm, good... My time has come. You must continue your journey without me."

Shifu: "Wh-Wh-What-? What are you-? Wait-!

...Master...! You can't leave me!"

Master Oogway: "You must... believe."

Shifu: "Master!"


...I'd love to hear your thoughts, but regardless, I m glad I was able to make this post. I got very emotional, but I mean every word. Have a wonderful rest of your day/night, and I should be back with another post tomorrow.

Thank you, again, for listening/reading~!

- 12:00 AM

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