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(image above is about The Science of Communication)

This topic has been on my mind for a long while... I do not think it is wrong for someone to complain, of course, but I know it can have many different effects on people (especially yourself).

I'd love to know what others think as well. There's always a healthy and unhealthy side to everything, but after finding this it made me think a lot... I've always loved to research.

Granted, not everything you find is true, and there are many factors to it. It's still so interesting to try and look at it from other perspectives, etc.

And it enlightens/helps some people, so I wanted to share it.

Again, it's absolutely not wrong.

I really liked the section on "Solution-oriented complaining." I never even knew that was a thing until I found that page.

Regardless, as long as something is healthy and helps you out in any way, I definitely encourage you to go for it/keep doing it.

If you take care of yourself and keep doing your best, that's wonderful...

As I said before, it can take time to fight for what's best for you (and to keep doing so), but it's worth it all~!

- 2:07 AM

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